
Taking the long view means choosing future benefits over short-term payoffs.  At Longview Farms that means we are committed to:
* Practicing innovative, sustainable farming methods to build the soil and produce healthy vegetables free of pesticides and chemical fertilizer
* Raising healthy, grass fed and grass finished Devon cattle without adding hormones or antibiotics
* Restoring our longleaf pine ecosystem through fire ecology and annual replanting
 * Reducing our carbon footprint by sequestering C02 in the soil as biochar, offsetting our energy consumption with solar power, and producing biodiesel from waste vegetable oil
 * Using the farm as an outdoor classroom to immerse students in nature and to introduce them to sustainable farming and land management

Our Story



School Connections


Betsy that was THE best roasted hen I have ever eaten. I made chicken sandwiches, chicken and rice and bone broth for the freezer. Every part was used. My husband commented on the flavor & appreciates me buying humanly treated poultry. I have bought beef and now chicken. Keep up the good work! 

Joanna (12/2015)

Oh my goodness your chicken was amazing! It really is tons better than store bought. We lightly seasoned it and put some butter in the core, covered with foil and baked it. We prefer dark meat but the breast meat was really just as tasty and moist. The skin was thin, crispy, and tasted so good. Your chickens aren't fatty like the store bought ones. They are so big we made 3 meals for the 2 of us. I was really surprised at what a huge taste difference there is. I'll be getting more! 

Susan Coleman (01/2016)

Hello...we roasted one of your chickens for our Christmas dinner....delicious!  With the broth I made from the carcass, today we just had the most awesome chicken and dumplings!  The juice is so creamy and nutritious because the broth is made with the bones...adding lots of delicious flavor.   Yum!  Thanks for farming!  Looking forward to more in the future.  Happy New Year to you all.

Nancy Stefka (12/2015)